Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Unknown Soldier.

Today as i watch Obama take the oat of office as the 44th president of the United state of America also as the first African American to occupy such position, i can see tears of joy on the faces of people, i can see so many full of admiration, i can also see so many Afro American full of pride for their very own. I can see the man himself walking tall and am sure he is saying to himself i have done it. But in the mist of it all, i can not help but ask myself what would the grand mother who raised him up and thought him the basics lessons of leadership have done today that he is becoming the most powerful man in the world.

Like a dream she passed away, a day before the election she has been dreaming of for years. Am sure she even helped him during the process of dreaming and birthing the dream, but today she is no more.Though many will be sorry for her because she is not there today. Men that do not know anything about the days of little beginning will surround him. But history will never ever forget this woman that fought and conquered in her room and possibly on her knee so that the rest of the world can conquer. She must be really proud wherever she is now.

Am so happy and my faith in God is strengthen. Imagine this son of an American immigrant doing the impossible. What can a man not do?

Congratulation Mr Obama
See you soon.
Yes we can!

1 comment:

amakapreneur said...

we rejoice with him for indeed history has been made. well done i say. nice blog.